

We encourage people to explore, develop, and experience the fullness of their potential to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Our clients appreciate the need for a customized personal or organizational analysis to develop and implement creative strategies to achieve new growth. They look to transform and build agility capability to better serve their clients needs by enhancing people, teams, and organization performance.

They also look for continuous learning and performance improvement engaging in design-thinking to create new growth and solve challenges; fostering creative practices to put imagination at work when crafting innovative solutions for their clients as well as for their people management and development.

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How We Help:

  • Facilitate shifting fixed mindsets into a Growth Mindset.
  • Help individuals reach a readiness level to transform and become agile at the individual, leadership, organizational, and strategic levels.
  • Facilitate strategic sessions aimed to find new growth opportunities.
  • Design learning according to the individual needs using a multidisciplinary approach.


We provide senior leaders, entrepreneurs, consultants, and practitioners with people and business insights, expertise, and practical brain-friendly and human-centered tools with experiential learning to achieve new business growth. We will meet them where they are in their business journey.

Our approach is to facilitate a collaborative process that may combine diverse methodologies that aim to identify our client’s uniqueness, spark their creativity, focus on Human Factors and Agility, and enable them to design new pathways for adding value to their internal and external clients and to their organizations.

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How We Help:

  • Accurate Self-Awareness and Understanding
  • Improve Your Performance
  • Clarify Purpose
  • Promote Happiness
  • Enhance Mental Health
  • Improve Personal Impact in Society and the Workplace
  • Strengthen Your Interpersonal Competence (social skills)
  • Increase Social Awareness
  • Improve Your Self-Management Ability


We empower teams to strengthen their interpersonal skills, enhance their performance, create team effectiveness, and develop more effective communication skills.

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How We Help:

  • Improve Your Ability to Synergize in a Team
  • Increase Your Leadership Impact
  • Accelerate Thinking and Learning
  • Communicate More Effectively
  • Be More Empathetic
  • Be More Service-Oriented
  • Enhance Team Effectiveness
  • Cope With Stress and Maintain Wellness
  • Reduce Risk of Human Error

Consultants & TD Professionals

Are you looking for a world class credentials and blueprint to optimize performance, develop talent, promote happiness, improve leadership competence, and enhance your service offering?

Smart Brain Insights helps Human Resources, Talent Development practitioners, Coaches and Organizational Development professionals develop people potential, improve their performance, and positively impact individual and organizations results.

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How We Help:

  • Provide Neuro-agility Profile™ (NAP™) assessments
  • Provide brain-based Emotional Intelligence 360 assessments
  • Personalized Debriefing Sessions
  • Online NAP & EI Certification – self-study practitioner’s training
  • Online Brain Booster Program for NAP practitioners
  • Opportunity to become partners to sell NAP™ assessments and development solutions
  • Coaching and support throughout learning process
  • Resources to support a brain-based practice

Students & Educational Institutions

Smart Brain Insights train lecturers and teachers to improve their delivery of lesson plans and lesson-planned visual aides by teaching them the learning implications of the brain.

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How We Help:

  • Accelerate Learning
  • Obtain Better Learning Results
  • Maintain Mental Wellness
  • Learn Faster And Easier
  • Make Informed Career And Subject Choices
  • Improve Self-Esteem
  • Cope With Stress
  • Improve Learning Agility
  • Improve Brain Fitness
  • Understand Their Amazing Neurological Design
  • Reduce Risk For Error
  • Identify Potential
  • Understand How To Develop Themselves
  • Optimize Learning Ability